Nursing Sevices
We provide 24/7 Long-term Nursing Services are provided by Professional Nursing Managers, Nursing Sisters, Staff & Enrolled Nurses & Care Workers. to persons with the following conditions & diagnosis: Age-related general frailty, Cancer(all stages), Traumatic Brain & Spinal Injuries.
Social Work Services
The Social Work Team consists of a Social Work Manager, a Social Worker, and 4 x Social Auxiliary Workers, and is responsible for: Counseling to residents & their loved ones.
Spiritual Welfare
Church groups provide free essential Spiritual Care services. Midweek and Sunday Church services are hosted in the Chapel and Hall by rotation of mainstream Churches, Bible study; prayer meetings & social events are convened.
Community Involvement Programmes
Park Care manages a successful Home Based Care Project in the needy adjacent suburb called Vrededorp, where 250+ poor, infirm and vulnerable older persons are living independently in sub-economic council housing. These elderly are freely supported with transport & escort services to hospitals & clinics, and tasks of daily living within their home by Park Care staff and care-workers within this community. This Project is partly subsidized by the Department of Social Development, and some private donors.
Nursing Services
We take care of persons with: Diabetes, Hypertension, Osteoporosis, Parkinson’s Disease (all stages), Multiple Sclerosis, Depression & Anxiety Disorders, Post-Stroke, Dementias like Alzheimer’s Disease, Disorders like Huntington’s & Motor Neuron Disease, Post-Operative Care & Rehabilitation and Permanent Vegetative States requiring PEG feeding and Trachea Suctioning
Social Work Services
Group Therapy, Group Facilitation, Dementia Care activities and more, Recruitment, orientation, training and mobilization of residents, Admissions – screening, interviewing, Support for the families
• Facilitation of the comprehensive active ageing program, Co-Management of the Vrededorp Home Based Care Project, Filing and administrative duties and report writing.