2015 Events
2016 Events
2017 Events
2018 Events
2019 Events
2020 Events
2021 Events
2022 Events
2015 Events
2016 Events
2017 Events
2018 Events
2019 Events
Saturday 28th September 201910:00 am
Park Care Centre 36 Escombe Avenue Parktown West
11:00 am – 15:00 pm
Families, Friends, Volunteers, Partners and New Acquaintances ALL WELCOME! 50’s Diner with Hamburgers Hotdogs Milkshakes Pancakes and more Some Rock ‘n Roll Music Dancing Dress-up and Photo Booth
Golf Day 2019
Thursday, 14 November 2019
10:00 am
Observatory Golf Club Bedfordview
The now installed Water Pressure Pump at Forget-Me-Not is pushing 6-Bar Pressure, supplying 2 Kilo-litres water in 2 hours, to the 3 respective floors of our highly fragile Alzheimers/Dementia section, now warranting sufficient water access throughout every day
Thanks to the host (Synbarr) and all the players of the first Synbarr Golf Day that was held on Thursday, Nov 14th, 2019 at the gorgeous Observatory Golf Club –
especially on behalf of, and, to the benefit of:
Park Care Centre (Frail Persons) & Sighthound Sanctuary (Frail Dogs)
several dedicated golfers arrived on the morning of the event …..even when it was cloudy and chilled, and the heavens opened up with drenching rains the night before, with other golfers canceling at the last minute and few more indicators that the day could go wrong for everyone………
But Alas! By the kindness of The Lord’s mercy and grace…..
It turned out to be a winning event for all….pleasant, beautiful weather, delightful social and dinner, with prizes and fun and auctioning…… enjoyable people who changed the forecasts and turned it into a splendid event wherewith both charities benefitted greatly (considering it being a first time golf day fundraising event for both organisations)
To Elaine and Dan, Sabine and Erika, and the Golfing Team of The Day – thank you for making a vast difference by opening the door and granting access to one of Park Care’s many dreams, to come true
Management and staff were astounded by the amount raised for each charity – and with immediate effect, this generous gift was earmarked to purchase a Water Pressure Pump that was urgently needed to help increase the restricted flow of water supply to all 3
Saturday 30th November 2019
Park Care Centre 36 Escombe Avenue Parktown West
14:00 pm – 20:00 pm
Families, Friends, Volunteers, Partners and New Acquaintances ALL WELCOME! Gifts, sweets, biscuits, music, karaoke, and much more to choose Make-up and Photo Booth & loads of fun Christmas Carols get-together & singing
(a) CHRISTMAS MARKE Time: 14h00-18h00
(b) CHRISTMAS CAROLS Time: 18h00-20h00
2020 Events
Saturday, April 2020
Theme to be advised
Park Care Centre
Families, Friends, Volunteers, Partners and New Acquaintances ALL WELCOME! Hamburgers Boeriedogs Pancakes Coffee Tea Milo Curry & Rice Refreshments and more Some Music Dancing Dress-up and Photo Booth
We have extended the ‘3 x sets Diamond Earrings’ Raffle competition in the expectancy of having one key to raise substantial funds that will complement, or top, the value of new diamond earring sets comprising 3 respective prizes to the value of R 36,990
These diamond earrings (3 x new sets) were donated by a family member of one of our residents to help raise funds – in this case for Park Care to:
– Leap into action and recondition several facilities, (mid care to assisted living) Jakaranda building bathrooms, toilets and showers, that are in plain sight of noticeable wear and tear
– Sponsor, within our fragile community of 300-320 residents, several disadvantaged frail people from all walks of life, for nursing care, accommodation, medical expenses etc….
– Generate substantial income to sustain, maintain & improve where possible, the quality nursing care & accommodation offered continuously to 300-320 infirm, frail, nursing-care dependent residents, people from all income groups and colour and culture and status to experience excellent and blissful quality life and specialized nursing care
We are grateful for your noble action to assist in keeping this long-established frail nursing care centre in ship shape condition and in perfected frail nursing care services!
Golf Day 2020 @ Silver Lakes Pretoria
Friday, 21 February 2020
7 AM – 7 PM
Silver Lakes Golf Club
Hosted by Synbarr for Fundraising for Park Care Centre (Frail people) and Sighthound Sanctuary (frail dogs)
Stepping into the new year, we’re proud to announce one of our most engaging fundraisers –
for the 2nd time hosted by Synbarr for and on behalf of
Park Care Centre (frail persons)
and Sighthound Sanctuary (frail dogs)
Because we need more than just winning campaigns, and so, what better way of starting the new chapter of 2020 than to gather on:
Friday, 21 February at Silver Lakes Golf Club in Pretoria – spending time together, sharing wishes and dreams, aspirations and fun with each other.
We would love to have all our current and new, friends and supporters, on and off Facebook, gathering together – See You There
2021 Events
60 Years | Diamond Celebration
Friday, 8 October 2021
This will be an in-house event only due to Covid protection for our vulnerable at risk residents (high care, intensive care, mid care, assisted living It is sad though that this milestone cannot be entertained along with family, friends, and other guests.
Management has endeavored to continue with arrangements as per the norm for our previous open-house events:
- Music from 1961
- Guest Speaker (to be announced)
- Memorabilia – small token (perhaps a soft toy for keyring complete with logo and 60 Years…) for Residents (300) and maybe also for Board Members, Staff (200) – sponsorship/contributions needed
- We have also asked the school volunteers on the Community Hours platform to bake a cake and decorate for 60th birthday – 1st, 2nd, 3rd prizes plus the required community hours volunteer services rendered (5 hours per cake donated) – require about 25 cakes for residents only and another 10-15 cakes for staff
- Clothing from the 1961 era – donations required for residents’ dress-up
o Park Care staff will revert to their rock ‘n roll outfits (rock ‘n roll era somewhat blends with the 1961 classic style of dress codes, music, and movie themes)
- Noting that 60 Years signifies a Diamond Jubilee – we also would like to ask for donations of “BLING” items eg costume jewelry, belts, and other articles with which residents can be dressed up with
- The catering people at Park Care (Reef Caterers) is sponsoring the lunch for residents – hamburgers and chips
- I have 2 x donors who pledged ice cream and milk for milkshakes and ice-cream cones (which the residents absolutely love)
- Park Care’s (retired) nursing manager’s spouse is a professional photographer and has consented to take photographs during the event
- Rosebank Killarney Gazette will have a journalist covering the events for the day
note: health and safety measurements will be applied to the few selected visitors
Once again, as always, Park Care depends on the support of the outer communities to enhance the lives of the frail resident community, enlightening the day-to-day norm of a 24/7 nursing care dependent lifestyle.
Park Care cannot be who we are and do what we do without the support of families, friends, new associations – augmenting the daily living of 300 residents with special events, treats, gifts, activities – doing all we can to make each resident feel special, striving to uphold their dignity, endorsing each one’s valuable worth
In the interim – frequent posting on our facebook page will contain various announcements (extracts from 1961 news and events), Park Care history, specified itemized donations requests, snippets from board members & staff (where attainable) and others related pieces.
Park Care Centre 60th Birthday Anniversary Celebrated with Forget-Me-Not Residents
Tuesday, 12 October 2021
1961 to 2021
Forget-Me-Not Residents and Staff enjoyed Park Care 60th Birthday Celebration on Tuesday 12October 2021 with some music and dance and gifts and treats in their private plush 3 garden
Dawid Minnaar and Ds Hennie van Rooyen shared some special moments with the residents
Dawid Minnaar (renowned South African actor)engaged a gratifyingly appreciative audience with some captivating reading
On behalf of all residents at Park Care, management and staff wish to express our indisputable gratitude to all donors, supporters and sponsors, for taking the time to raise the value of who we really are
Every gift from a friend is a wish for the happiness of all Frail at Park Care
2021 Events

Can you believe it! In just a week and few days’ time It will already be
Father‘s Day for the year 2023
Father’s Day2023 will be celebrated next coming Sunday, June 18th by many wherewith we wish to honor all fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers, future fathers, and other father figures, for the impact they have made and are making as role models in the lives of from the youngest to the oldest
Father’s Day at Park Care will be celebrated on
Wednesday 14 June from 10am
Let’s talk about what it will take to have your passion for our organization equal your gift size
…..As this special day was created to complement Mother’s Day, help us to Treat and Pamper our frail and vulnerable gents at Park Care for a special fathers’ day event
Sandwiches and Hot Dogs are on the Menu – with a Hot Beverage such as Milo, Hot Chocolate, Tea and/or Coffee, to wrap the men up against the co..oo..ol..ll..lld…d…d
If you’re feeling passionate about getting involved – this is one of the best things you can do: Treat Or Pamper our Fathers And Father Figures by Honoring them with your gifts of:
a financial contribution
a gift or two
bringing Sandwiches, Hot Dogs, Snacks, Treats
a donation of any one or more goodies to prepare and serve sandwiches, hot dogs, snacks and other treats that the men (and the ladies) absolutely keenly love and adore!:-
Bread, Ham, Cheese, Margarine, Lettuce, Tomato, Sauces,
Cakes, cupcakes, other delicacies ie chocolates, sweets, chips etc…
Milo, Hot Chocolate, Milk, Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Cold drink, Ice-Cream (believe it or not – there are people who just love ice-cream in the winter! Can you just imagine,,,,,,brrrrain frrrrreeze)
We hope you’ll join us in taking hands and supporting this important work of 24/7 Nursing Care with your donation
Your giving to make a Father’s Day special for one or more fragile gentlemen will make a huge
It brightens the day of any vulnerable resident when a donor presents him or her with a personal gift of thoughtfulness and caring. Your noble considertion forever expresses sincere appreciation in the heart of every recipient and is evidence of a concerned courteous friend who pays special attention to the delicate of our society

Park Care organized a Fun Day for The Elderly of our Vrededorp Community Home Based Care project, by the courtesy of the Jan Hofmeyer Community Hall management, having free access to their facility for the morning…..
Of the first group of invited elderly for this appointed Fun Day on Wednesday 13th March, about 21 of the invitees attended – (the first of trustingly many more fun events to come to light in 2024)
Every single one vouched that they enjoyed highly amusing Fun..on the fields outside as well as inside the hall. These prime-years individuals really loved the games and asked to have them every week –
Unfortunately, several other senior citizens could not participate due to health and mobility….. Thus, the Park Care social work and HBC Care teams had to mix some staff members with these golden agers to make the teams even, with huge success
Subsequently, Tuesday, 16th April have been preliminary booked for a FUN DAY WALK – bearing in mind these are the ‘goldies’ of this day and age…… and cannot participate in doing the ..umpteenth number of kilometres – the participants will be walking all around the Jan Hofmeyer/Vrededorp Park
When senior citizens engage in activities, their health and happiness are stimulated and therefore enhanced.
Bearing this in mind, the Park Care Home Based Care Team, social work & nursing care teams, (who are very fond of and care for the Seniors living within the community of this “on the breadline” part of Jhb), wish for the Seniors living in this community to stay active and socially connected, offering a range of options to become part of ‘where the action is’! – as is with Park Care Residents who daily have the privileges of various activities on a daily basis
Senior Citizen HBC Fun Day: Activities and Games – The bestest part of this Fun Day Event was all the heartily laughter, amusement, enjoyment, delight, and fulfilment
- Playing Soccer, being agile or slow and squeaky, it did not matter- it was the fun part that counted
- Bowling
- Bean Bag throwing & catching
- Number of ball games
- Matching colours – memorizing the sequence of colours viewed
Ø The objective of the games was to help improve the old people’s thinking function
Ø To easily recall information and improve their memory
Ø The games also helped the seniors to improve mood and mental well-being
Ø It also helps to reduce the risk of depression and other health issues associated with social isolation
Ø The games help to connect the senior citizens with friends and peers by engaging in social interactions and build connections.
Ø It also provides a sense of companionship and support, which can be especially important for seniors who live alone and far away from their loved ones.
This Day was Well-Spent and the Value of the Outcome Absolutely Priceless!
The Vrededorp Senior citizens had a blast – Those who could not play soccer played the indoor games and enjoyed every single moment. Also wishing to have the games on a weekly basis.
Despite the language, culture, race, belief, and gender hurdles, the senior citizens loved the games and really had fun to the extreme
The Touching Part of This Pleasure, by The Grace of The Lord, Is The Open Handed Giving From Valuable Donors in Support of Our Continuous Need of Funding for Numerous Various Projects – An Integral Confidence Booster that Fortifies Management and Staff on a day-to-day Foundation
A portion of donations received enabled the Social Work team to close-off this lighthearted event by treating these Senior Citizens with Hot Dog rolls, juice and snacks, that was received with much gladness – at an easy on-the-pocket cost of only R 900.00 – estimating R 42.00 per person – These Disadvantaged Elderly Are Worth It!